martes, 27 de marzo de 2018

Keuffel & esser

Keuffel Esser: Collectibles eBay

Keuffel and Esser - Search All Lots Skinner Auctioneers - of 68. Keuffel (18381908) and Herman Esser (1819both recent immigrants from Germany, began in business in New York in). How To Date Your Keuffel Esser (K E) Survey Instrument Page.

Keuffel esser

Keuffel Esser: Collectibles eBay Find great deals on eBay for Keuffel Esser in Engineering Drafting Tools. NMAH Surveying Geodesy Keuffel Esser Keuffel Esser. This web site is provided to help slide rule and planimeter collectors. Popular items for keuffel and esser on Etsy Shop outside the big box, with unique items for keuffel and esser from thousands of independent designers and vintage collectors on Etsy.

Keuffel Esser produced slide rules and imported planimeters for over 1years.

KE (Keuffel Esser) Slide Rule Model Archive

NMAH Surveying Geodesy Keuffel Esser

Keuffel Herman Esser at Nassau St., Manhattan. Keuffel and Esser - , the free encyclopedia The Keuffel and Esser Co., also known as K E, was a drafting instrument and supplies company founded in 18by two German immigrants, William J. Set of Drafting Instruments, first quarter of the 19th century, a boxed set, with slide rule marked Keuffel Esser Co. Factories were based in Hoboken, New Jersey (USA with offices in New York, Chicago, St.

KE (Keuffel Esser) Slide Rule Model Archive Keuffel Esser Co. Keuffel Esser K E KE History 18- K E founded by William J. Here you will find information about how to date your Keuffel Esser (K E) antique survey instruments. 390Cardano (Bolzano Alto Adige, Italy Fon 39).

Keuffel Esser K E KE History

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